August 12, 2014

STATE OF IDAHO          

County of Idaho


AUGUST SESSION                                           August 12, 2014                     SECOND TERM DAY


10:00 a.m. The board convened with Commissioners James Rockwell, Jim Chmelik and Skip Brandt, and Annie Bledsoe Deputy Clerk present.


The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Syd regarding claims:


Current Expense         $      53,325.46                        County Road and Bridge         $      70,561.42

Airport                         $      80,612.05                        Emergency Comm.                 $      21,284.67

District Court              $        3,081.83                        Title III Forest-New                 $      15,253.59

Indigent                       $        3,542.24                        Appraisal                            $           724.76

Solid Waste                 $    135,659.93                        Search & Rescue                     $        1,056.38

Noxious Weeds           $      41,477.74                        Snowmobile 25-A                    $       20.19
Total Expenditures      $    426,600.26


Brandt moves to approve the claims.  Chmelik seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.



10:15 a.m. Rick Connell for Bob Fry, Incident Commander for Highrange Fire provides update- there was a little bit of rain this morning-seemed to help with the fire. Highrange Fire is now at 4,789 acres with 75% containment at end of shift Monday. They are down to three hand crews and six engines. They should be down to one crew and three engines by Wednesday and will be leaving Thursday. There were three out buildings lost in the fire, but containment is moving up faster than expected.  Evacuations were lifted Monday. Of the 4,789 acres, 626 acres of it is BLM managed land.  IDL is main protection agency for the majority of the land in the fire.


Brandt moves to approve minutes of the August 5 meeting. Chmelik seconds. Motion carries with all in favor.


Order for cancellation-$17.19


10:45 a.m. Jill Summers regarding flooring estimates for the Extension Office-  Lindsley’s had a hard time finding the tile Alana wants in her office-she is wanting wood type flooring. Betties recommended flooring, so she has correct cost. Lindsley’s couldn’t find what is wanted so gave a bid for a good commercial grade of the same type. Hoene’s and Betties have same flooring Hoene’s is cheaper. There will be carpet in Carl’s, Susie’s and Kirstin’s offices. The Commissioners are not sure they want to put wood flooring in any of the offices-consistent flooring throughout the building is preferred. A new bid for carpeting squares in all the offices was requested. Jill also asked about getting the offices painted-she found a professional painter who bid the job at $750 for painting in extension office and Susie Heckman’s office. The commissioners gave her approval to have the offices painted.


11:09 a.m.  Carol Turner regarding circuit breaker- Carol needs help replacing her circuit breaker. She qualified with the county but was denied by the state.  Her case needs to go to the State Tax Commission-she has until the 29th of August to get her appeal to them. The county Commissioners cannot do anything for her at this point, she needs to go through the appeal process with the state.


11:15 a.m. Jerry Zumalt regarding resolution on the Highrange Fire-Resolution No-2014-03 no reason to ask for three signatures on. Mike Honkey regarding Johnson Bar Fire- which has grown 3000 acres and is in steep country with lots of timber and is hard to get at, rain will help and they have a contingency plan for evacuation. They’re currently working around homes on River Road in preparation-there are about 50 homes on north side of the river, and some Forest Service property with buildings. The roads east of O’Hara Bridge are closed and the roads south of O’Hara creek are closed. Mike said that they set up main post at Kooskia fire station. Most of the documents that are used need internet so that was the best place to set up, and are working on getting communications set up. The IDL is in agreement to work with the team assigned at the fire. They are trying to keep costs down and yet do what is needed-they don’t want to get anyone killed so they are being very cautious but still fighting. Currently having briefings at 6am and 6pm daily in Kooskia at incident base.  The current plan consists of air attack at the fire. The mountain is too steep to fight at the fire, so they are building lines to control it. It is predicted to be a long term even and probably won’t go out until we get snow. Moving in logging equipment, they are wanting to log to help keep the fire under control. The only part of the land that could be effected that is owned by Idaho County is Red Fir.



11:20 a.m. Rockwell moves to go into Indigent proceedings pursuant to Idaho Code 31-874.  Chmelik seconds.  Roll call-District 1-yes, District 2-yes, District 3-yes.


0-Approval, 0-Denial, 0-Liens, 0-N1, 2-Lien Release, 2-N1 Release


11:25 a.m. End Indigent


Chairman_______________________________     Attest:____________________________