August 10, 2005

County of Idaho

AUGUST SESSION                             August 10, 2005                    THIRD TERM DAY

The Board met at 1:00 p.m. with Randy Doman, Jim Rehder, Alice Mattson, Commissioners and Rose Gehring, Clerk, present.

Jerry Zumalt and Debi Ruppe present – discussed fire in the Cove Area – evacuation plan if needed – commissioners reviewed map of fire locations.

Jim made motion to adopt disaster resolution. Alice seconded. Motion carried with all in favor. Resolution as follows:

WHEREAS, a severe wild land fire is occurring in the Mt Idaho/Cove Road area of Idaho County, and is an imminent threat to life and property in that locale, has caused substantial damage to natural resources, overwhelmed the capability of local agency and jurisdictional resources, and resulted in the issuance of an immediate evacuation notice for area residents.

Jon Stroop stated a temporary FAA tower is set up at the airport.

1:30 p.m. The Board recessed.

Chairman:____________________________ Attest:_________________________