April 14, 2009


County of Idaho

APRIL SESSION                  April 14, 2009             THIRD TERM DAY 

            The Board met at 9:00 a.m. with Skip Brandt, Jim Rehder, James Rockwell, Commissioners and Bette O’Brien, Deputy Clerk, present.


            Gene Meinen: road report.  Kevin Tomlinson presented Elk City Shop Options as follows:

                        #1        Purchase price for the shop being $158,400.00 – purchase price of four acres of land and bridge – $35,000.00. Total price for land, bridge and shop being $193,400.00.

                        #2        Lease of $1,500.00 per month.  Lease option to purchase is more desirable, Bennett Forest Industries would apply 50% of the lease payment toward the purchase on a two year program


            If county deals with BLM for the property – county will never have title – unable to sell the property – this option would be under BLM rules.

            No decision made – tabled.


            Airport meetings – Gene requested they meet quarterly or as needed – Spring work begins – difficult to attend meetings.  Commissioners approved quarterly meetings.


            Scott Wasem and Stefanie, Idaho Soil and Water, – presented power point of their current projects – requesting $7,000.00 for f/y 2010.  Whatever the county gives for money the state will match.  Decision tabled until budget time.


            Syd Fuzzell re: Claims:

Current Expense           $57,828.83            Road & Bridge             $50,532.16

Airport                             1,003.38            Emergency Comm            1,086.20

District Court                    2,752.32           Title III  (new)                   1,051.37

Title III                                  14.87           Indigent                            20,201.14

Appraisal                             413.32           Drug Enforcement              6,200.90

Solid Waste                  108,348.73           Noxious Weeds                 2,572.65

Snowmobile 25A              1,950.35           Snowmobile 25B                   775.08

            Jim made motion to approve claims.  James seconded.  Motion carried.

                                                Total Claims                 $254,731.30


            Proclamation for Operation Idaho County Garbage Free Roads – The Board of Idaho County Commissioners hereby proclaims April 22 through May 22, 2009 as “Operation Idaho County Garbage Free Roads” and encourage all to take an active role in keeping our county a clean and beautiful place to live by removing litter from roadsides and all places throughout our County.  Jim made motion to adopt Proclamation.  James seconded.  Motion carried.


            Margaret Soulen re: RAC project – requesting two projects as follows:

                        #1.       Payette Bighorn Sheep Monitoring Plan – $20,000 from southern RAC and $20,000 from northern RAC.

                        #2        Salmon River Big Horn Sheep Study – $70,000 from northern RAC.

            Discussion followed.  Skip made motion they support first plan and then the study.  James seconded.  Discussion followed making sure the study is in Idaho County.  Motion carried.


            11:30 a.m.        Skip made motion to enter into executive session for indigent claims I C 31-874.  Jim seconded. Motion carried.  Roll call taken.

            12:07 p.m.        Executive session recessed until later this afternoon.  Regular session resumed.


             Elected Official Meeting:

                        Steve Frei, Coroner, reported on meeting and training he attended.

                        Sharon Cox, Treasurer, will attend IAC Board of Directors meeting next week.  Expressed that she would have liked James and Skip to attend meeting held in Moscow last week.

                        James Zehner, Assessor, DMV credit card acceptance is working great – Circuit Breaker – 746 last year – almost 900 this year – must file by April 15, 2009.  Tax appeals decisions discussed.  GPS system – working with Mike Cook.

                        Kirk MacGregor, Prosecuting Attorney,  Prescription drug problem – individuals are selling for money – new drug detectives are learning the process.  Knife River agreement discussed.

                        Doug Giddings, Sheriff, reported on transition going on within the department – new policy is completed – Jim, under sheriff, is reviewing policy with other people to be inspected and for any corrections.


            Ethel Loreen, re: 2010 Census Partner Proclamation.  Census program begins March, 2010.  Wanting to know who she can work with in the county – needs to get the word out – requesting support from Commissioners – advertise in the paper  – discussion followed.


            Randy Doman, Clearwater Basin Collaborative,  reported on a two year work plan from January, 2009 – December 2010.  Randy reported on the work accomplished to date – their approaches and challenges.  Discussion followed.  Commissioners signed a letter in support of Randy continuing to serve on the Clearwater Basin Collaborative.


            March 31, 2009, April 6, 2009, April 8, 2009 minutes.  Skip made motion to approve minutes as amended.  James seconded. Motion carried.


            Alice Kingma and Harry Owens re: Civil Air Patrol lease at airport. – lease has expired – requesting new lease.  Discussion followed.  


            3:07 p.m.          Jim made motion to enter into executive session for indigent claims I C 31-874.  James seconded.  Motion carried.  Roll call taken.

            3:30 p.m.          Executive session ended.  Regular session resumed

                        Two approved – two denied – one lien and N-1 – one release


            Lindsey Landings Subdivision approval.  Jim made motion to approve subdivision plat.  James seconded.  Motion carried.  Plat signed.


            Subdivision Ordinance – discussion followed on various ordinance changes.  Hunter Edwards asked how commissioners feel about the current ordinance.  Skip is looking to repeal the current ordinance and replace with another one –  will look at ordinance drafted by lawyer from Moscow in 1994.


            Hunter Edwards re: New Homestead subdivision.  Requesting if an engineer can check plat while Kirk MacGregor is doing the Findings of Fact.     Discussion followed.


            Jerry Zumalt re: radio extenders.  Requesting approval of expenditure for single channel mobile repeater/extenders from Davis Communications for the Elk City Sub-station assigned for the Idaho County Sheriff Department.  Cost – $4,419.68.  Discussion followed.  Jim made motion to approve purchase.  Skip seconded.  Motion carried.


            Travel Plan Discussion – Larry Dasenbrock and Del Houger, etal.  Larry and group requesting  commissioners to notify the USDA Forest Service in writing before the April 20, 2009 deadline and request that:  The USDA Forest Service should delay any decisions on the DRAMVU plan and remove the comment period deadline until such time a full inventory of roads and trails can be included in a comprehensive plan designed by the citizens and user groups.   A meeting will be held April 16, 2009 with forest service to go over the mile discrepancies.


            The Board adjourned at 5:00 p.m.


Chairman:_________________________     Attest:___________________________