April 10, 2012


County of Idaho

APRIL SESSION                                   April 10, 2012                         SECOND TERM DAY


11:00 a.m. The board convened with Commissioners Skip Brandt, Jim Chmelik and James Rockwell and Kathy Ackerman, Clerk present.


The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.


11:00 a.m. Syd regarding claims-

Current Expense              $       45,243.58          County Road and Bridge         $     58,510.74

Airport                           $         3,448.52           Emergency Com.                  $             81.14

District Court                  $         1,188.14           Title III-New                        $       4,939.32

Title III                          $               65.30           Indigent                             $       9,001.01

Appraisal                        $             337.59           Solid Waste                        $   110,826.38

Election Consolidation       $         1,525.81            Noxious Weeds                  $       6,098.10

Waterways                     $            454.31            Snowmobile 25-B                $       1,971.72

Total Expenditures           $     243,691.66


Brandt moves to approve claims. Chmelik seconds the motion. Motion carries with all in favor.


Brandt moves to approve list of polling places as presented. Chmelik seconds. Motion carries with all in favor.


Rockwell moves to approve minutes of the April 3 meeting. Chmelik seconds. Motion carries with all in favor.


11:30 a.m. Brandt moves to go into Indigent proceedings pursuant to IC 31-874. Rockwell seconds. Roll call-all in favor.


2 Approval, 3 Denial, 0 Suspended/Tolled, 2-N1, 0 release-N1, 2-Liens, 0-Lien Release

11:45 a.m. End Indigent.


11:48 a.m. Brandt moves to amend agenda for the purpose of entering an Executive Session. Chmelik seconds. Roll call-all in favor.


11:48 a.m. Brandt moves to go into Executive Session pursuant to IC 67-2345(f). Chmelik seconds. Roll call-all in favor.


12:15 p.m. End Executive Session


12:18 p.m. Break for lunch.


1:00 p.m. Board reconvenes.


Gene Meinen regarding Buck Horn Bridge agreement-still has not been signed by Forest Service-has been working with Riedesel and may have a possible permanent solution to the situation. Cook questions potential issues that will need to be considered if we complete the repair without a signed agreement-discussion. We will wait a bit longer to see what the Forest Service response will be. MacGregor will prepare a follow-up letter to the Forest Service regarding this situation.


Meinen provides update on Leitch Creek slide-some slight modifications have been recommended in the emergency repair contract-road is nearly clear, but not yet open for travel. Chmelik questions the status of Long Bluff Road above the slide area-discussion. Brandt moves to approve contract modifications as presented. Chmelik seconds. Motion carries with all in favor.


Cook regarding letter to Forest Service pertaining to Shingle Creek. Letter signed.


Cook indicates there is a signed airport lease with the Forest Service-also advises that the City of Grangeville has approved an airport ordinance.


1:30 p.m. Jerry Zumalt regarding a renewal of the disaster declaration for the Leitch Creek slide-this one will be good for 30 days. Brandt moves to approve Resolution 2012-02 extending the disaster declaration. Rockwell seconds. Motion carries with all in favor.


Zumalt regarding Homeland Security Grant-this pays for most of his salary. Grant signed.


2:00 p.m. Sheila Key regarding letter requesting maternity leave-requesting 2 months-coverage will be provided by James Zehner and Jerry Zumalt. No questions from Commission-best wishes to Sheila.


James Zehner regarding GIS system-we have previously agreed to sell this information for $25.00 to those requesting the information. Zehner indicates that the State is looking at setting up a statewide system for this information-the fee would be collected at State level with a cost share provided to the County-anticipated fee to the requestor would be $200-discussion. Zehner advises that this should be up and running by the end of the Summer.


Doug Giddings regarding concerns that citizens in Elk City have with the dumpster there and the bird problem-just passing this information along to the Commission.


2:10 p.m. Meeting adjourned.

Chairman:_______________________________     Attest:____________________________