320 West Main Street, Rm 3
Grangeville, Idaho 83530
Administrated by the Office of the Board of County Commissioners
While Idaho County is one of the most beautiful and diverse in Idaho, it’s assets also provide an environment very conducive to exotic plant growth. We have the largest land area of any county in the state, allowing plenty of space to grow invaders. We have precipitation variation from less than 10 inches per year to over 60 inches in some areas of the county. We also have elevational differences from over 8,000 feet to under 1,500 feet above sea level. And, our soils vary from sand to clay.
This spectacular space and environmental diversity allows us the ability to grow almost any weed in the world.
In addition to the ecological environmental assets for weed growth, Idaho County has become an increasingly important destination for travelers and recreationists. This influx of visitors is often an important introduction mechanism for invading alien weed species.
The Idaho County Weed Management office is charged with providing solutions for the weeds we have, as well as for prevention practices for the weeds that are being introduced. One of the solutions to these challenges has been the formation of Coordinated Weed Management Areas in the county.
- Annual Notice 2024
- No Spray Agreement 2025
- Weed and Plant Identification
- Applicator Licensing
- Weed Free Forage & Straw 2024
- Nez Perce Biocontrol Center
- Calibration for Sprayers
Have you seen this Noxious Weed: Flowering Rush?
- Above is a weed awareness flier for a state listed noxious weed that hasn’t yet established itself in Idaho County (we know of only one isolated location). This species, if allowed to establish, would have devastating effects on Idaho County’s water bodies including lakes, rivers, and ponds. If you would like a list of Idaho Noxious Weeds please visit the ISDA website, and for a full service biological weed control program to landowners and managers throughout the Pacific Northwest please visit the Nez Perce Bio Control Website.
Idaho Discovers Invasive Mussels in Aquarium Products
- The Idaho State Department of Agriculture’s (ISDA) Invasive Species Program announced today the detection of invasive zebra mussels in aquarium products sold in the state. The ISDA has found live, viable zebra mussels in Marimo moss balls which commonly are sold for use in aquariums. ISDA officials were first made aware of the issue Wednesday and agency personnel immediately responded with in-person inspections. ISDA’s response has been part of a coordinated nationwide effort to remove these products from store shelves and advise stores and the public about proper disposal of affected material. ISDA is working with local Petco store managers to obtain any additional product currently in transit. “Store managers and staff have been very cooperative in this process,” said Nic Zurfluh, Invasive Species Section Manager. “They have worked with us, and we are grateful for their understanding.” WHAT THE PUBLIC CAN DO!