Martinez, David - Martinez, David – Acc. Involving damage to a Veh., Fail. To give Imm. Notice, Fail. To notify upon striking HWY fixture - Bond: $900.00
Fivecoat, Clara – Battery on LEO, R&O, Unlawful Entry – BOND: NONE
Wright, Robert- Probation Violation Warrant, Driving without Privilege’s- Bond: $25,000.00
Painter, Sarah – FTA Warrant – BOND: None
Ferrari, Thomas – Attempted Murder x2, Unlawful Discharge of a Firearm at a Vehicle, Unlawful Poss of a Firearm, Aggravated Assault x4, Destroy/Conceal Evidence, Pedestrian Under the Influence, Malicious Injury to Property, Providing False Information to LEO, San Diego CA Warrant – BOND: None
Davis, Cody – Sentenced to IDOC
Dickson, Joshua –
Kemp, Christopher – Out of County Warrant – BOND 10,000