October 14, 2014

STATE OF IDAHO          

County of Idaho

OCTOBER SESSION                                        October 14, 2014                   SECOND TERM DAY


10:00 a.m. The board convened with Commissioners James Rockwell and Skip Brandt, and Kathy Ackerman Clerk present. Jim Chmelik is absent.


The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.


10:03 a.m. Brandt moves to amend the agenda to include a discussion on the Laradon Heights Subdivision at 11:15 a.m.  Rockwell seconds.  Motion carries with Brandt and Rockwell in favor.  Chmelik is absent.


Molly regarding claims:


Current Expense         $      16,624.00             County Road and Bridge         $       9,545.98

Airport                       $            464.88          District Court                          $          362.55

Title III Forest-New     $      17,716.33             Search & Rescue                     $             51.40

Noxious Weeds           $      44,288.39

Total Expenditures      $      89,053.53



Current Expense         $      13,123.08                        County Road and Bridge         $         209.95

Total Expenditures      $      13,333.03


Brandt moves to approve claims for FY2014 and FY2015. Rockwell seconds. Motion carries with Brandt and Rockwell in favor. Chmelik is absent.


10:15 a.m. Public Hearing-James Rockwell regarding request for variance filed by the Schoeneweis’.  Mrs. Schoeneweis advises the reason for the split-desires to separate the shop from the house in order to sell the shop at some point.  James Zehner questions the reason for the split-wonders about the market for buyers if this is separated.  MacGregor questions where the property is located-Schoeneweis advises near Pollock.  Discussion regarding size of the piece to be split and potential future concerns with septic system.  Neighbor Gary Smith’s only concern is that they still have access to water-were given a permit over 30 years ago by the State to run a water line-discussion.  Neighbors have no objection to the split. Denice Laritz indicates that this easement situation for the water line needs to be addressed regardless of whether or not the variance is granted.  MacGregor questions Zehner regarding potential concerns for the county-Zehner advises that the only concern is that the split density in that area is great.  Brandt moves to approve the variance.  Rockwell questions MacGregor about approval.  MacGregor questions whether or not this party is going to apply for the permits necessary for septic-Ms. Laritz advises that this will be listed as a dry shop and that the purchaser will have to pursue a special use permit if they desire water.  Rockwell seconds.  Motion carries with Rockwell and Brandt in favor.  Chmelik is absent.


10:35 a.m. MacGregor regarding lawsuit with Clearwater County regarding the Clearwater Travel Plan-provides update on other rulings that impact this suit-conference call on October 23 at 1 pm to discuss a stipulation to place the lawsuit on hold while other issues, such as recommended wilderness areas, are resolved with the Forest Service.  MacGregor advises that one objection he has is the issue of coordinating status-feels this needs to be further clarified as this protocol has not been followed-requests that he be allowed to pursue this objection rather than just stipulating to put everything on hold.  Commission has no objection to pursuing this clarification.  MacGregor also advises that Clearwater County Prosecutor Clayne Tyler doesn’t feel that there was sufficient study done regarding the economic impact to counties-Commission advises that this should also be pursued.


10:52 p.m. MacGregor regarding Chris Meyer with Givens Pursley conducting a review of our file on the Salmon River Road issue-he discussed the potential of this review with Mr. Meyer and Mr. Meyer advises that the review would be approximately $5000-MacGregor requests approval for expenditure. Brandt advises that given the potential for road maintenance fees, he feels that it would be money well spent.  Discussion regarding Meyer’s qualifications as they pertain to Federal contracts-MacGregor advises that Mr. Meyer has a lot of experience in Federal Court.  Brandt moves to approve up to $5000 for review.  Rockwell seconds.  Motion carries with Rockwell and Brandt in favor.  Chmelik is absent.  MacGregor advises that Cook wants to work on pursuing a grant to do general repairs while we wait for the outcome of the review-advises that Meinen wants to wait until the review is done. Rockwell advises that he has discussed with Cook and Meinen-feels that Cook is looking to find funding from a separate pot of money and that it should be pursued.


11:07 a.m. MacGregor regarding the contract for Northwest Management to develop a Hazardous Mitigation Plan-he has reviewed it and feels that it is in order.  Brandt moves to accept contract for professional services.  Rockwell seconds.  Motion carries with Rockwell and Brandt in favor.  Chmelik is absent.


Brandt moves to approve the minutes of the October 7 meeting as amended. Rockwell seconds.  Motion carries with Rockwell and Brandt in favor.  Chmelik is absent.


11:20 a.m. Rockwell moves to go into Indigent proceedings pursuant to Idaho Code 31-874. Chmelik seconds.  Roll call-District 1-yes, District 2-yes, District 3-absent.


0-Approval, 2-Denial, 0-Liens, 0-N1, 1-Lien Release, 1-N1 Release


Rockwell moves to deny the appeal of indigent cases 1012106 and 110212. Brandt seconds.  Motion carries with Rockwell and Brandt in favor.  Chmelik is absent.


11:39 a.m. Meeting adjourned.

Chairman_______________________________     Attest:___________________________