May 24, 2016

STATE OF IDAHO          

County of Idaho

MAY SESSION                                     May 24, 2016                          FOURTH TERM DAY

8:45 a.m. The board convened with Commissioners Jim Chmelik, Skip Brandt, and Mark Frei and Kathy Ackerman, Clerk present.
The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Syd regarding claims:

Current Expense         $     38,864.10           County Road and Bridge              $         46,147.44

Airport                      $     21,110.02            Emergency Communication       $           5,100.20

District Court             $      3,879.21             Title III- New                              $       10,943.59

Title III                     $         407.21             Indigent                                      $         14,676.15

Appraisal                 $         936.88              Solid Waste                                $               407.02

Search & Rescue       $     5,135.45               Election Consolidation                $                 60.62

Noxious Weeds           $     25,200.57           Snowmobile 25-A                      $              461.21

Snowmobile 25-B       $             10.00           Total Expenditures   $ 173,339.67


Frei moves to approve claims. Brandt seconds. Motion carries with all in favor.


9:00 a.m. Chmelik regarding Letter of Understanding for outside auditing services provided by Millington Zwygart-this is up $150 from last year. Chmelik moves to approve the Letter of Understanding from Millington Zwygart. Frei seconds. Motion carries with all in favor.


9:05 a.m. Chmelik regarding Order for Election for Consolidation of Good Roads 2 Highway District and Union Independent Highway District. Chmelik moves to approve Order for Election. Frei seconds. Motion carries with all in favor.


9:15 a.m. Sheila Key regarding addressing issues on Glenwood Road-when she was here previously, it was suggested that she send out letters proposing North Glenwood Road as a way to correct the addressing problem. She did send letters out to 5 residents-only 2 responses were received-discussion. Chmelik moves to change road name to North Glenwood Road. Brandt seconds. Motion carries with all in favor.


9:25 a.m. Kim Nuxoll and Sheila Key regarding carpet and paint for mapping room-Kim presented three quotes for new floor covering-lowest bid was from Bettie’s-they will also assist moving the furniture. Chmelik moves to approve the bid from Bettie’s for flooring and paint, with coordination with Abbie Hudson for painting. Frei seconds. Motion carries with all in favor.


Additional Meetings-Mark Frei-June 1-DRAMVU Objection Hearing-1-3 pm USFS; June 2-Suction Dredging Objection Hearing-9-11 USFS. Jim Chmelik-June 1-DRAMVU Objection Hearing-1-3 pm USFS.


9:55 a.m. Chmelik moves to approve wage increase for ICSO Deputies Brown for completion of probation and Hoodman for assignment of additional duties. Frei seconds. Motion carries with all in favor.


Chmelik moves to approve Certificates of Residency for Jayde Wilson and Ian Anderson. Frei seconds. Motion carries with all in favor.


Brandt moves to approve the minutes of the May 17 meeting. Frei seconds. Motion carries with Brandt and Frei in favor. Chmelik abstains-he was absent.


10:00 a.m. Public Hearing regarding Idaho County Resource Plan. Chmelik advises the purpose of drafting a Resource Plan was to provide a tool for coordination with area Federal agencies-advises that the Commission looked at a few other resource plans for framework for our plan. Ultimately, the County hired Marty Gardner, former longtime USFS employee to draft the plan with additional input from Mike Cook, Randy Doman and Jerry Zumalt. Mark Frei advises that Marty Gardner did an exceptional job of keeping USFS guidelines and restrictions in mind while drafting the document-discussion. Mike Cook questions what the next step will be for adoption-Chmelik advises that there have been 3 public meetings regarding the plan-feels we are ready to move forward. Shelly Dumas questions whether or not the comment period will be extended-Brandt advises that he feels the plan will be a living document with opportunities for comment continuing in an ongoing basis-discussion. Unidentified participant questions why no articles were written about the development of the plan-discussion. Brandt moves to continue the comment period to June 14. Frei seconds. Motion carries with all in favor. Unidentified participant questions county payment to Steven Peterson and what his role was in contributing to this plan. Chmelik advises that Peterson was paid previously for an economic impact study related to the Lochsa Land Exchange-Ackerman advises the County paid Mr. Peterson $12,000 in July 2011. Dave Poncin advises that he feels this document is an important opportunity that should not become a document that is passed and then sits on a shelf-provides several suggestions for building on the draft plan-discussion. Brandt advises that he has been asked numerous times by BLM, IDL and USFS whether or not the county has a resource plan-this is almost always the first question asked when an issue comes up. Unidentified participant questions who wrote pages 43-44 entitled “Bringing Control Back Home”-Gardner advises that other resource plans that were used as a model included this language. Dick Artley suggests verbiage that would reflect that there are both pro and anti-logging residents in Idaho County-Commission concurs that language would accurately reflect our demographics-request that Mr. Artley submit the suggested wording in writing. Derek Farr questions the negative verbiage-wonders if it shouldn’t be toned down if this is not a political plan. Shelley Dumas questions whether or not the Commissioners intend to address land use planning-Brandt advises the County has a plan via our subdivision ordinance. Ray Anderson questions the inclusion of ‘disposal of public lands’-Gardner advises this refers to plans of other agencies that identify disposal of their properties. Andrew Ottoson questions who to talk to regarding the history behind the change in public lands from the 1970’s-Brandt advises that USFS would have information about their inholdings-Frei also advises that Randy Doman may have some information.


10:45 a.m. Kelly Dahlquist, CEDA, and Brett Madron, Kids Klub board member and project manager for the construction project request withdrawal of their request for sponsorship of the IDCBG. Madron advises that the things that were not known the last time regarding the Syringa Hospital grant are now known-that the Syringa grant has been approved, but that the funding will not be drawn down to the appropriate level by the application date due to changes in the hospital’s project plan. Kids Klub is withdrawing their request for sponsorship at this time-they will regroup and decide how to proceed.


11:00 a.m. Kelly Dahlquist regarding Fair Housing Resolution-this should be passed whenever new grants are being funded. Idaho County currently has the Syringa Hospital and Rapid River grants that have been approved. Discussion. Brandt moves to approve Idaho County Fair Housing Resolution 2016-06. Frei seconds. Motion carries with all in favor.


11:15 a.m. Dave Poxleitner, Keuterville Highway District regarding an agreement that has been discussed for some time between Idaho County, Keuterville and Doumecq for maintenance of the Rice Creek Bridge. Scott Jungert, Dick Brust, Joe Forsmann, Mike Cook and Gene Meinen are all present for the discussion. Meinen advises that the bridge is getting to the point where more significant maintenance may need to be done and will most likely require grant funding-it would be better to have cooperative agreements in place to assist in this process. Brandt moves to approve the Agreement for the Rice Creek Bridge. Chmelik seconds. Motion carried with all in favor.


Meinen regarding a portion of road that is 3.7 miles long going to Pine Bar-questions whether or not it would be possible to transfer this stretch of road to Keuterville Highway District-discussion regarding transfer vs. agreement and what maintenance needs there are for the road. Meinen advises that it has been looked at and it appears that chip sealing will be need to be scheduled soon-Cook advises that it might be possible to approach the BLM regarding some funding that would lead to access to the boat ramp.


11:45 a.m. James Zehner and Kirk MacGregor regarding resale of data/GIS information purchased from the County by Boundary Solutions-a waiver was signed back in 2012 that they would not resell the data. MacGregor advises that our waiver has no penalties for violation-discussion. MacGregor will send out a letter requesting that the company immediately cease the resale of this information.


11:55 a.m. Chmelik moves to go into Indigent Proceedings pursuant to Idaho Code 31-874. Brandt seconds. Roll call-District 1-yes, District 2-yes, District 3-yes.


2-Approval, 1-Denial, 2-Lien, 2-N1, 0-Lien Release, 0-Release N1


12:01 p.m. End Indigent Break for Lunch


1:05 p.m. Mark Frei regarding proposed IAC Resolution he has prepared for consideration-2014 Farm Bill made changes to allow the production of hemp under certain circumstances-resolution and subsequent change in legislation would allow universities, such as the University of Idaho, to plant test plots to determine if this is a viable product. Frei presents a power point presentation explaining the history and potential of hemp production-he will be giving this presentation to the Sheriff’s Association on Thursday and again at the Commissioners and Clerks conference in Burley in June. Frei questions whether or not he can move forward with presentation of resolution on behalf Idaho County-Commission has no objection to moving forward.


1:30 p.m. Kathy Ackerman regarding budget worksheets-Commission reviews sheets and fills in preliminary numbers which will be compiled and reviewed at a later date.


2:05 p.m. Canvass of votes for May 17 Primary Election.


3:51 p.m. Chmelik moves to accept the canvass of votes. Brandt seconds. Motion carries with all in favor.


4:00 p.m. Meeting adjourned.


chairman______________________________     Attest:____________________________